Tuesday, December 20, 2011

2011: The Year of Transformation

We are currently testing different campaign concepts before putting our marketing dollars behind the one that gets the most traction. After testing different concepts, we still feel that we are one step away from the campaign that will change the world!

Here is what we are confident about:

1. Concept: A Volunteer Micro-Jobs Network where companies post good Missions; people solve those missions and get Hugs; with their Hugs they get fair trade Gifts or post Missions of their own.

2. Partners: We have an all-star line of partners who have provided Seed Capital, Technology, Guidance and Encouragement.

3. Platform: The platform is pretty comprehensive: social network + catalog + social currency + mission apps. And now we are starting work on the Mobile App.

4. Team: We have a powerful team of Web Design, Web Development, Strategy and Business Development pros.

So what do we need to work on:

1. Identity: A stronger visual identity complete with a cool video to engage audience.

2. Gifts: Boost our gifts catalog. More variety.

3. Missions: More missions. More diversity.

4. Campaign: Once we have the Identity, Gifts and Missions - we will launch a marketing campaign that will target 2 geographic regions at one time.

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