Today, 16th of July 2011 is the first anniversary of majamba LLC.
At this time, we would like to thank all the majamba social venture network members.
And we would like to highlight folks who went out of their way to advise us:
Bhaskar B
Marc S
Tom W
Joe H
Noel T
Shyam S
Anil G
Aslam M
Jaldip U
Narendra V
Chandan W
Ojasvi B
Sandy W
Raphaël C
John A
Patrick B
Guido S
Thomas V-A
Simon F
Simon S
Fabrice A
Alejandro A
Michel J
Vincent R
Jean-Baptiste E
Michel T
Didier W
Chris T
Laurent L
Patrick G
Joe B
Steve M
Barb N
Sebastien F
Rika N
Robin L
Frank D
Francis C
Markus S
Damien C
Karim P
Peter H
Krishnan S
Nicolas S
Johnny K
Jena B
Daniel F
Mike F
Rahul B
Nilam S
Nandini D
Prableen S
Martine B
Sabine E
Rene D
Geert DB
Sanjiv D
Caroline S
Jean-François B
Roland G
Eric M
Didier M
Metin C
Chris B
Caroline R
Eric G
Xavier B
Gauthier J
Ricardo I
Juan R
Francisco M
Brian M
We are grateful to you. Of course, a startup is super challenging and your good wishes and support has made it a lot easier. Now the challenge for us is to use all the positive thinking to launch later this year.